Prestige Dance Syllabus
12 Basic Steps
1. Half spot
2. Cross Body lead
3. Right turns
4. Left turns
5. Cross Body inside turn
6. Cross Body outside turn
7. Cumbia turn
8. Cumbia with half spot
9. Full spot
10. Copa
11. Box step
12. Free turn

Understand how to use the 12 basic steps into dance combinations.
Learn new, common, intermediate-level partnering moves/skills.
Learn to social dance on time.
CURRICULUM: 6 Combinations & 2 Intermediate Level 1 Moves
Right Turns → Cumbia Turn
Learning how to use a follower’s right rotation as a preparation for a left-rotation movement.
Right Turns → Free Turn
Further understanding the use of a follower’s right rotation as a preparation for a left-rotation movement.
Cross Body Inside Turn → Cross Body Outside Turn
Learning how to use a follower’s left rotation as a preparation for a right-rotation movement.
Cross Body Lead → Full Spot Turn
Learning how to use a straight lead for rubber-band energy into a straight break-step movement.
Left Turns → Half Spot Turn
Understanding how to efficiently get into a closed position from a follower’s left rotation.
Box Step → Cumbia Half Spot Turn
Teaching leaders how to move around their partner for two consecutive movements.
Intermediate Level 1 Moves
Intermediate Level 1 Copa Step
Adding a travelling turn for the follower onto this basic step taught in our beginner curriculum.
Cross Body Inside Turn → Check with a Followers Right Turn
An intermediate level move with lots of versatility that will be instrumental to know in higher level classes.
TESTING: To test for competency in Intermediate Level 1 in order to gain access to Intermediate Level 2 instruction, students need to display:
All 6 Intermediate Level 1 Combinations.
Both Intermediate Level 1 Moves.
Show that they can socially dance with a partner, on-time, for 2 minutes.